Archivi categoria: YogaRES

RES RIVOEVOSOFIA“EnergeticEvolution Project” Cat.: YogaRES and WRITINGS.9 (English-Italian). “The Counselor began the project YogaRES the intimate,…

“The Counselor began the project YogaRES the intimate parent-child relationship, which may be the effects of Yoga? … “Il Counselor ha iniziato il progetto YogaRES sull’intimo rapporto genitore-figlio, quali possono essere gli effetti dello Yoga?… 10.10.2015 “Title: Application in the field of YogaRES. This is the second episode. The 03/23/2015, […]

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RES RIVOEVOSOFIA“EnergeticEvolution Project” Cat.: YogaRES and WRITINGS.8 (English-Italian). “How starts on the field of counselor YogaRES for the draft….

  “How starts on the field of counselor YogaRES for the draft intimate parent-child relationship? 09.10.2015 “Title: Application in the field of YogaRES in 2 episodes. This is the first episode. The 03/23/2015 in the category went YogaRES the last article about the relationship dell’HathaYoga Tantric Tibetan intimate connection with […]

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R.E.S. 26.3.2015 ResPractices 2°theme. The link with YogaRes. Everything is clarified. A diversified program can begin.

ResPractices 2°tema. Il legame con YogaRes. Tutto viene chiarito. Un programma diversificato può iniziare. -Brano musicale all’interno: “Il vento caldo dell’estate” with Alice video 1980   “After the initial introductory needed to assume a greater consciousness of the form and substance of its physical body, the practitioners, energy hunters, are […]

R.E.S. 25.3.2015 The first theme of the RES. What are they? Let’s go and look at the ResPractices and YogaRes include traceability.

ResPractices 1°tema. Cosa sono? Partiamo larghi e puntiamo all’associabilità ResPractices e YogaRes. -Foto di Van Renselar artist (Abstraktes Diverses Moderne Expressiver Realismus) -Brano musicale all’interno: Tango to Evora. with C.Evora e L.McKennit “YogaRes dealing with the link between children and parents”. YogaRes è il programma che tratta il legame tra […]


R.E.S. 23.3.2015 The YogaRes “Children-Parents”: The Second article of disclosure.

English-Italian Title: “Learning and concentration facilitated by a committed contemporary parenting practices YogaRes with development of the first three-axis evolution of RES: fantasy-imagination-creativity. Music chosen as necessary boundary. Sessions “training” by counselor”. Titolo: Apprendimento e concentrazione facilitati da una impegnata contemporaneità genitoriale alle pratiche YogaRes con sviluppo del primo triplice asse […]

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